IP6, What Is It?
IP6 is the short name for Inositol Hexaphosphate, a molecule with important implications for your health.
IP6 is a naturally occurring substance found in virtually every cell in our bodies. IP6 is vital for life. IP6 plays several critical biochemical roles, especially during the complex and delicate process of cell division.
To many scientists, cell division is the essence of life because all growth depends on the process. We don’t think about it, but from the moment of conception to the moment of death, the billions and billions of cells in our body are constantly dividing, changing, growing. Hopefully, all goes well. Cancer is the result when it doesn’t.
A cancerous tumor is a hideous mass of cells where the division process deteriorated and became deadly instead of life-giving. Cell division run amok.
IP6 is an extremely important part of cell division, so for the process to go smoothly, the body must have plenty of IP6 and other nutrients.
Cancer researchers have estimated that approximately one-third of all cancer cases are related to nutrition. In other words, improper nutrition is a determining factor in whether the cancer grows in one-third of all people. Since 6.6 million people die per year of cancer, you can estimate that 2.2 million of them died due to a lack of nutrients.
IP6 is one of the key nutrients for the process to go smoothly, so it follows that a lack of IP6 would cause problems. Indeed, in the laboratory, IP6 has shown to slow, prevent, and even REVERSE tumor growth.
If IP6 is given, the cancer cells “tame themselves” and the erratic growth is stopped, says world-renown researcher Dr. AbulKalam M. Shamsuddin, MD, PhD of the University of Maryland Medical Center.
IP6 shows great promise as a potential way for people to help guard themselves against cancer. Although more studies are needed, the large body of research done indicates reason for great optimism of the health benefits of IP6, or Inositol Hexaphosphate.
IP6 is found and many foods known for their high nutritional value. Corn, wheat, beans, rice, soy, sesame, peanuts, peas, oats and sunflower oil are all good sources of Inositol Hexaphosphate, IP6.
IP6 supplements are available and are one of the rare exceptions to the rule that it’s better to get your nutrients from food than supplements. First, IP6 is absorbed better in pure form without any competition from proteins and other nutrients. Besides, IP6 is often lacking in foods that have been processed since IP6 is usually found in the bran or hull, which is often milled away.
Another reason to supplement is that IP6 is needed by the body in quantities that would be difficult to eat. Supplementation is inexpensive and safe. No adverse effects have ever been reported with IP6, even at large doses.
As vital as Inositol Hexaphosphate is to the body, scientists hope for more than just cancer prevention and treatment from IP6. (As if that weren’t enough.)
Research done around the world indicates that IP6 can have important benefits in the prevention of heart disease, stroke, kidney stones and helps people suffering with sickle cell anemia.
Inositol Hexaphosphate, or IP6 has many potential benefits and no known risks.
IP6 should not be confused with Inositol (a member of the B-vitamin complex and related to IP6) or Inositol Hexanicotinate, which is also a B-vitamin related to niacin.